What music did you listen to growing up and did this inspire you to want to be in a band?
Shane Ochsner: I’d say the most influential bands for me growing up (in order of appearance) were Audio Adrenaline, Limp Bizkit, Living Sacrifice, The Luti-Kriss, Sevendust, Misery Signals, Jimmy Eat World.
Could you tell us a little bit about how the band got together?
SO: Our drummer Josh and I have been playing in bands together, since were 13 years old. In 2007, he and I connected about playing music together again. We recruited our bass player Chris, and our long time friend Ian, and went to work! We started Hands as a weekend warrior project. Just playing shows whenever we could, and writing when the opportunity presented itself. Shortly after playing our first few shows, doors started opening for us everywhere. We were being invited to play big festivals, open for bigger bands, touring, etc... It was crazy, and totally unexpected! We eventually released “The Everlasting EP”, and things just always moved forward from there!
Give Me Rest is the bands fourth release, how would you describe the progression in your music?
SO: It had been over 2 years since we had written any music together. The last thing we had done was “Creator”, which had been written only a month after writing/recording our “Sounds Of Earth” album, and only 3 months after the release of “The Everlasting EP”. So in less than a year's time, we had released 3 totally different records! So it was time for a break. But in that time from 2008-2011, we all grew up. Our musical influences changed, we had more experience being a band. If you think about it, a lot changes in a few years for an individual, especially young musicians. I think “Give Me Rest” is our best album to date, and I think overall it’s because we have had that 2 year window. Musically it’s more mature and original. Lyrically, it’s more honest and real. The differences between our previous albums and this one are huge!
And what were the strongest influences on it?
SO: All I have listened to for the past year is Jimmy Eat World and HUM. I think there are a few signs of that on this record, but I really don’t know.
What was the recording process for the new record like?
SO: Insane! I ended up having to write and record this entire album by myself, in the midst of becoming a father for the first time and working a full time job! There were so many signs around this album that made us want to throw the project away and call it quits. But ultimately, everything worked out. I started tracking the album here in Kansas City, with my friend Josh Barber at Covenant Studios. We spent roughly 2 months recording, and mixing. This is the album I have had time to actually mess around with a ton of different drums, amps, and guitars. Having the capability to cater to each individual song. It was awesome! I loved my time there, and it will go down as a recording experience I will forever remember.
I read somewhere you guys don’t tour anymore, what are the reasons behind this?
SO: We got sick of being broke, and aimlessly driving around the country hoping the show was “still on”. We love meeting people, travelling, and playing our music. We have no problem playing our best show in front of 2 kids in the middle of nowhere, Arkansas. But at some point, when you have families at home and other responsibilities, you have to know when to call it quits. And we did.
What do you miss the most about not touring? Any chance you might again someday?
SO: I miss the people. Being in a van with my best friends. Night drives and Mountain Dew. Setting up and tearing down my gear every night. Playing the music. I miss it all! And I know that all of us would do it again, if there were a way to make it work financially.
What are your thoughts on the state of the music industry these days?
SO: I keep most of my thoughts to myself on this subject. But it’s obvious things are getting bad. The number of people that are actually going out buying albums is dropping rapidly. And because of that bands are getting less and less for what they do, on top of sky high gas prices (Bands that choose to buy trailers the size of mobile homes, I don’t feel sorry for you.). There are a thousand things today that contribute to the current status of the music industry. I’m curious to see where it all ends up.
And what is Hands stance on illegal downloading?
SO: I don’t know about the other guys in the band, but for me personally I have downloaded a few albums. But all of them are albums that are seriously out dated. My most recent download was “Best Of The Talking Heads”. Which is awesome, by the way. For me, I don’t ever get excited about new bands or upcoming artists. For some reason, I am one of those dudes that’s not very open to accepting new music into my library. So when one of my favourite bands releases a new album, without a doubt I go to the store a buy it! I was standing at Best Buy, waiting for them to open the store the day Jimmy Eat World’s “Invented” album came out last September. $10 well spent!
Are there any new bands that have you excited?
SO: Like I mentioned before, there’s not too much making its way onto my iPod. I do know, that my friends in the band Gideon put out a new album called “Costs”. Anyone that’s into hardcore music, check it out! Also, the latest Deftones album “Diamond Eyes” is pretty cool stuff!
What does the future hold for Hands?
SO: I have no idea. We are trying to line up a few things this fall, but that’s about it. We are drifting further and further away from being a full time band, and with the release of “Give Me Rest” being such an unexpected success, who knows what it will bring. Another album? A couple more tours? A final tour? We are just going with the flow, and Facedown Records have been kind enough to leave the door open for us.
Thanks Shane!!
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