Formed in mid 2009 the young sextet, Hannah Morgan (violin) Omar Rahwangi (drums) Adam Stark (guitar, electronics) Joe Bartlett (bass) Simon Stark (guitar) Terry Murphy (viola), have been ever so quietly making something of a name for themselves. Their live shows include film synchronised with their music using state of the art technology developed by guitarist Adam Stark and are garnishing Rumour Cubes plenty of the right sort of attention.
Coming in at just under twenty minutes and containing just three tracks does not take anything away from We Have Sound Houses Also, as in this case it is definitely quality not quantity. The EPs opener The University is a Factory seems to slide ever so coolly into life with its slick jazz infused beginning before building to a ravenous crescendo of roaring, scaling guitars and drums. It is followed by the impeccably understated Rain on Titan where the silkiness of the strings carries the listener deep into the deluge that is the songs second act. Though it is the EPs final track At Sea, where Rumour Cubes pull out all their delicious stops. It is splendour personified and leaves you begging for more.
Indeed that is the only flaw with We Have Sound Houses Also, it feels like the band are just offering us just a little sweet taste for now. The good news however is that Rumour Cubes are currently recording a new EP at Cafe Music Studios (who recently worked with Brian Eno and David Byrne to record some parts of their recent collaborative album) featuring poet Steve Wiley. We Have Sound Houses Also is available as a free download, so do yourself a favour and check it out as I am sure Rumour Cubes are a band we will hear a lot more of.
Download the free EP here